Friday, October 5, 2012

James (Part 2)

So there was I, after a few weeks of just being myself and going about my day - everyday. We still exchange text messages and ask how each other is doing - the usual friends chat.

One weekend while we were talking he then sent me a test messages about leaving, parting and how he is so happy to have given the chance to know someone like me or the receiver of the message. I then asked him if something was wrong and then he started to break the news.

"I'm leaving..." and then I started to laugh at him taking it as it was just a joke. Then there was a silence, without second thought I asked him " seriously?" and he said ''Yes" . From that moment, I don't know what was the right thing to feel; should I feel bad about him leaving the country or should I be happy for his dreams are finally coming true? But more importantly, I asked myself, "Why am I feeling this way towards the news?". I thought the complicated relationship that we have is the reason for me to be complicated of the feeling that I should be or should not be feeling when he broke that news.  Up to now, I still don't know.

I took a long deep breath, and started saying things like, I will be missing you, I am happy that your dreams are finally coming true and I wish you all the luck the world has to offer. Really I was happy - or was I just convincing myself?

For the past 4 years now, we were floating, we were friends and in some ways we were more than that. I'd like to think that we were happy, I'd like to think that we showed love to each other in a subtle way.

I remember him giving me a wish for my birthday in front of my friends, he wished that I have a happy life and find someone that deserves my love and attention. He was looking me straight in the eyes and I just can't help but smile and think of his wish. I wanted to tell everyone that all I wished was, him to be there and share that special day with me and luckily that wish was granted. I was just happy.

Going back, after a week of breaking the news and a week of convincing myself that I was going to be okay. He asked me out for dinner just the two of us. But I declined, I even made a bargain, I asked him if I could come with a friend and I got an awkward "yes" from him. So that dinner came, I was sitting in between (James, Me and our friend). My friend came in late, so I really have to do a conversation with him, he was really silent and so was I - I felt tension. I don't know. Then finally my friend came and the air started to feel better. We ordered and my friend initiated the conversation, I was just there listening, nodding, smiling I just wanted to see him and preserve that image for myself at least I have something to remember him.

While we were having dinner, he then moved his knee closer to mine, so, how do you call that? Knee-to-knee? Whatever! Then he keeps on moving my knee using his knee so hard that it made me so uncomfortable.  I can still remember, when he talks to me, I can't keep eye contact. (Talk about that Awkward moment).

Good thing that dinner turned out to be normal, I think it wouldn't be normal and there would be tears gushing from my eyes if my friend wasn't there to change every topic that was in my head.

After the dinner, he asked if he could drive me home it almost took me a minute or two to respond, I mean, that's not me. When you ask me something, I give you an answer then and there but that moment, I was in such big trouble. My friend uses a motorcycle and I hate that, so I have no other choice but to go with James. We got in the car, and he started singing "If we had an exchange of hearts, then you'll know how I fell apart..." I don't know why he started to sing that song, but I felt it.

As soon as we were in my house, I just said something like "thank you! Take care!", maybe because at the back of my mind, I wanted to think that he'll still be around,  that I will see him whenever I want to see him but no.

That was the last encounter, he's leaving on the 10th of this month (Oct. 10, 2012). And I still did not say anything about how I felt, of how I feel about the idea of him leaving. *Sighs*

If you allow me, could I just write what I want to say in here?

" James, first of all. I still remember the day that we first met the very day that I fell in love, the very day that I have laughed so hard on a first date, the very day that someone really treated me so well I started to feel like a royalty. Thank you! I actually don't know where to start, I'm sorry... Yes, I am sorry for waiting this long to be completely honest with you, sorry for loving you so much I can't afford to lose you, sorry, sorry, sorry. I know this is not goodbye, and I know maybe, if the world would be in my favor, I'd still get the chance to see you. I love you, I love you and It only get's stronger. I am happy, because this is your dream and I admit, I think I am not a part of it but I still thank you, for the time, for introducing LOVE and making it sit the couch, making it crack silly jokes, for the sweet nothings... I love you."

I am sorry, I can't find a better way to end it but with the feeling that I feel for him.


  1. wow! that was crazy! great post... thanks for posting this. you should have said the things you needed to say. "if you never try, you'll never know"

    so now you have this feeling and questions of "what if" and never find out unless... unless you tell him before he leaves. dude! you have got to, i mean what do have to loose? he's leaving anyway, i mean does he even feel the same way? ugh! this is mind boggling! i'm gonna follow your blog cuz this is suspensfull :)
    have a great week!

    1. He's leaving on the 10th and I know I am running out of time. I know, I might not see him in a few years, I know I'm stubborn, I know I am getting into your nerves. You see, I think I know these things and I know I will get hurt. Ugh! Now, I don't know. *sighs*
